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The Mortgage Architects and Nathan Mortgage are now one family. Expect the lowest market rates and cost-saving loans.

Realtor Spotlight

Keep Your Money in Your Pocket

Beating out other offers and not overpaying comes down to strategy from an expert realtor and strong well written pre-approval letters from a top mortgage lender.

Featured Realtors

A Resource for Homebuyers

At Nathan Mortgage, we feature realtors we have worked with who have demonstrated success. We believe in going beyond lending— providing helpful resources, building community, and putting people first.

Tip: Be choosy when it comes to selecting a realtor. This person will be helping you make one of the largest investments in your life.

  1. Create a shortlist of realtors
  2. Call realtors on the phone or schedule a meeting to get a sense of their character.
  3. Ask questions and request references of recent clients.

The Right Realtor

Makes All the Difference

In a hot market, the right realtor makes the home buying process more manageable.

5 Tips for Choosing a Realtor:

  1. Choose someone you mesh with.
  2. Look for a good communicator (talking and negotiating).
  3. Find someone who puts your best interests first.
  4. Choose someone who is grounded (this is a tough market for buyers, have someone on your side who knows the realities of the market and will give you honest feedback).
  5. Look for positive reviews and glowing testimonials

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Navigating a Hot Market

Whether you use a realtor you find featured in our realtor spotlight series, a referral from a friend or family member, or even someone you find through your own search finding the right realtor will help you navigate this hot market.

There are more buyers than inventory on the market. This makes competition fierce for buyers — more offers, less time to act, and more scrutiny on bids.